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INSIDERRF & Microwave Electronics
Starliner to Perform Uncrewed Return Flight From International Space Station...
INSIDERManned Systems
EA-37B Compass Call: The US Air Force's New Electronic Attack Aircraft
Archer Delivers First Midnight eVTOL to US Air Force
Is the Department of Defense Stockpiling Enough Critical Materials?
Modern Commercial Jets Create Longer Living Contrails Than Older Aircraft,...
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Briefs Electronics & Computers
Streamlined Microcomb Design Provides Control With The Flip of a Switch
Researchers at the University of Rochester describe new microcomb lasers they have developed that overcome previous limitations and feature a simple design that could open the door to a broad range of uses. Read on to learn more.
Briefs Materials
Testing Military-Grade Adhesive in Extreme Loading Conditions
Military performance requirements for adhesives have been traditionally derived to fulfill niche defense needs in harsh operational environments with little consideration for dual-use commercial potential. Read on to learn more.
INSIDER Test & Measurement
Counter UAS Systems Tested Against Swarms of 50 Drones in Latest Yuma Exercise
The U.S. military has used unmanned aircraft for decades to perform dangerous reconnaissance and attack missions that save lives, but the importance of small...
INSIDER Weapons Systems
Airbus Starts Flight Testing Upgraded French Army Helicopter
Airbus Helicopters has started the flight testing campaign for the prototype of the NH90 Standard 2. This standard is one of the latest NH90 configurations and is being...
INSIDER Weapons Systems
Air and Space Force Joint Team Completes Two Intercontinental Missile Tests
For the second time in a week, a joint team of Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen supported by Space Force Guardians launched an unarmed Minuteman III...
INSIDER Software
NAVAIR Leverages CFD to Simulate Aircraft Engine Health and Aerodynamics
Developed by Naval Air Systems Command's (NAVAIR) Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) programs, "CharLES" is described...
INSIDER Manned Systems
Electra Starts Proving Blown Lift eSTOL Technology has completed the first test flights of its piloted blown-lift hybrid-electric short takeoff and landing (eSTOL) demonstrator aircraft, EL-2. According to a May 29...
INSIDER Test & Measurement
Ursa Major Performs First Successful Hotfire of Hypersonic Draper Engine
Ursa Major announced the successful hotfire of its 4,000-pound thrust closed catalyst cycle hypersonic Draper engine at the company’s Colorado headquarters. The...
Directed Energy Deposition Enables Rocket Engine Additive Manufacturing Breakthrough
The Air Force Research Laboratory's (AFRL) Rocket Propulsion Division recently designed, printed, built and hot fired a first-ever, single-block...
INSIDER Propulsion
FAA Adopts New Aircraft Engine Emission Standards for Non-Volatile Particulate Matter
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) adopted a new rule that will set a limit on carbon particles emitted by subsonic aircraft engines, according...
INSIDER Communications
Army Begins Satcom as a Service Evaluation
The U.S. Army has started fielding commercial satellite communications equipment, bandwidth and services to several units around the globe, under a new pilot that will inform leadership on a...
INSIDER Manned Systems
Marines Select Prototypes for Light Armored Vehicle Replacement
The U.S. Marine Corps has selected two companies to design prototype Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle 30mm Autocannon (ARV-30) vehicles. Under a new two-year award, General...
Turkey's KAAN Combat Aircraft Completes First Flight
The first combat aircraft to be domestically developed in Turkey, the fifth generation KAAN, completed its first flight on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024. Several executives and partners of...
Briefs Electronics & Computers
New Method to Measure Wind Speed Could Unlock Drones’ Potential
Dr. Marc Compere, associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach Campus, recently described a new approach to measuring wind effects.
INSIDER Sensors/Data Acquisition
DARPA-Funded Research Leads to Quantum Computing Breakthrough
A team of researchers working on the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s (DARPA’s) Optimization with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum devices (ONISQ) program has...
Articles Test & Measurement
Ensure Aerospace Composite Quality with Force Measurement, Material Testing
Force measurement and material testing is an essential process for product designers and manufacturers to ensure part integrity, and to gain insightful data for creating the highest quality composite components.
Application Briefs Photonics/Optics
Quantum Sensing Atomic Gyroscope
The Defense Science Board identified three areas of quantum technology that will be most relevant to the DoD's technological superiority: sensing, encryption, and communications.
INSIDER Weapons Systems
The B-21 Raider Starts Flight Testing
The U.S. Air Force has begun flight testing Northrop Grumman's sixth generation B-21 stealth bomber. Matt Hartman, a freelance photojournalist captured the first flight of the B-21 on Nov. 10 with...
INSIDER Weapons Systems
Hermeus Quarterhorse Joins Hypersonic High Cadence Testing Program
Prompted by recent investments and advancement from the commercial and non-traditional sector, DIU started the Hypersonic and High-Cadence Airborne Testing Capabilities...
INSIDER Manufacturing & Prototyping
Archer Achieves First Untethered Flight with Midnight eVTOL
On Oct. 24, Santa Clara, California-based electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) manufacturer Archer Aviation completed the first flight of its five-seat Midnight...
INSIDER Manned Systems
RAMFIRE Project Develops, Tests 3D-Printed Aluminum Rocket Engine Nozzle
NASA recently built and tested an additively-manufactured – or 3D printed – rocket engine nozzle made of aluminum, making it lighter than conventional nozzles...
INSIDER Government
Spaceflight Operators Seek Learning Period Extension, More Flight Testing
Commercial spaceflight operations need an extension of the Federal Aviation Administration's moratorium on new regulations for space travel that expires at the...
INSIDER Manned Systems
Airbus Tests Single Stick Electric Flight Control System for Prototype eVTOL
Airbus Helicopters has completed a test flight using its FlightLab demonstrator helicopter to evaluate a new single stick electric flight control system...
INSIDER Manned Systems
Navy Deploys Automated Energy Assessment Tools to the Fleet
Engineers at the Naval Sea Systems Command have achieved an important milestone with the installation of the Global Energy Information System (GENISYS) suite onboard DDG 51...
INSIDER Motion Control
New Transatlantic Partnership Targets Hall Thrusters for Spacecraft Electric Propulsion
Pulsar Fusion has announced a new trans-Atlantic partnership funded by the U.K. Space Agency (UKSA) between the space propulsion system manufacturer...
INSIDER Nanotechnology
New Synthetic Quantum Nanostructures Program Targets Synthetic Metamaterial Development
Current approaches for quantum computing, sensing, communications, and signal-processing rely on superconducting electronic devices that can...
Briefs Manufacturing & Prototyping
Repeatability and Reproducibility of a Standard Test Method for Measuring Head-Supported Mass Properties
During development of military helmets and HMDs, materiel developers need a valid and repeatable test methodology for measuring their mass properties.
Briefs Test & Measurement
Methodologies and Equipment for Measuring High Temperature Tensile Properties of Subscale Specimen Geometries for Additively Manufactured Metallic Materials (Continued)
Despite the existence of standards, the issue persists where, in general, equipment is unavailable to measure maximum bending strains at elevated test temperatures.
Briefs Aerospace
Test Methods for Measuring High Temperature Tensile Properties of Subscale Specimen Geometries for Additively Manufactured Metallic Materials
With the rise of additive manufacturing for metallic materials, concerted efforts are underway to integrate the technology into present and future aerospace systems to enhance performance capability, reduce cost, and minimize production lead-times.
Accelerating Time to Market: Tackling NVH Challenges in Electric Vehicles
Space Communications and Navigation Summit 2024
Electronics & Computers
Utilizing Model-Based Systems Engineering for Vehicle Development
Meeting the Challenges of Software-Defined Vehicles With...
Automotive Hardware Security Modules: Functionality, Design, and...