Power Amplifiers

Hittite Microwave Corp. (Chelms ford, MA) has introduced three power amplifier die products for microwave and millimeterwave radios, Ka-band VSAT, and military and space applications from 27.5 to 46.5 GHz. The HMC1014 is a four-stage GaAs pHEMT MMIC medium power amplifier die that operates between 33.5 and 46.5 GHz. It provides 21 dB of gain, 27.5 dBm of saturated output power, and 27% PAE (Power Added Efficiency) from a 6V supply.

The HMC1024 and HMC1029 are four-stage GaAs pHEMT MMIC 1 and 2 Watt power amplifiers that operate from 27.5 to 33.5 GHz, and from 27 to 37 GHz, respectively. The HMC1024 provides 24 dB of gain, 40 dBm OIP3, 31.5 dBm of saturated output power, and 29% PAE from a 6V supply. The HMC1029 provides 24 dB of gain, 42 dBm OIP3, 35 dBm of saturated output power, and 25% PAE from a 6V power supply. Both amplifiers are optimized for high-capacity microwave radio systems and Ka-band VSAT applications.

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RF & Microwave Technology Magazine

This article first appeared in the October, 2012 issue of RF & Microwave Technology Magazine (Vol. 6 No. 5).

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