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Articles Photonics/Optics
Everyday Life, Improved by Light: GRYPHON’s Photonic Discoveries
GRYPHON will leverage recent developments in nonlinear photonics and photonic-electronic integration to develop microwave sources with noise performance that meets or exceeds that of the best discrete oscillator modules. Read on to learn more about the endeavor.
Articles Electronics & Computers
Space Lasers: Aiming Towards Next Leap in Global Communications
Space lasers are transforming the world. Not the far-off future of science fiction, but the universe of how data and communications flow today — everywhere from deep space missions to countless applications here on earth, including consumer internet services, military operations, and banking transactions. Read on to learn more.
Briefs Aerospace
Streamlined Microcomb Design Provides Control With The Flip of a Switch
Researchers at the University of Rochester describe new microcomb lasers they have developed that overcome previous limitations and feature a simple design that could open the door to a broad range of uses. Read on to learn more.
Briefs Photonics/Optics
Researchers Demonstrate the First Chip-Based 3D Printer
Imagine a portable 3D printer you could hold in the palm of your hand. Researchers took a major step toward making this idea a reality by demonstrating the first chip-based 3D printer. The prototype chip has no moving parts, instead relying on an array of tiny optical antennas to steer a beam of light. Read on to learn more.
Technology Report Mechanical & Fluid Systems
AutoSens: Nodar’s Plan to Make Park Assist Tech Better, Cheaper, Cleaner
Park assist technology seems like low-hanging fruit in the assisted and automated driving space, but anyone who’s attempted to use one of these systems might...
News Manufacturing & Prototyping
MEMS Drive Wants to Shake up Automotive Sensor
Advanced optical image stabilization (OIS) technology used in mobile phones should have a home in the automotive world. Specifically, using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) to move an...
Briefs Electronics & Computers
NRL Research Physicists Explore Fiber Optic Computing Using Distributed Feedback
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) researchers have outlined a novel contribution in fiber optics computing in a paper recently published in Communications Physics Journal that brings the Navy one step closer to faster, more efficient computing technologies.
News Software
CES 2024: Aeva Launches 4D Lidar for SAE Level 4 Trucks
Daimler Truck announced that Aeva will supply its latest Atlas 4D lidar for the Freightliner Cascadia truck platform and collaborate with Torc Robotics to integrate the technology....
Articles RF & Microwave Electronics
Physicists Develop a New Type of Antenna
This research and demonstration presents a simple technique for a remote Rydberg-atom-based RF sensor, which was verified for distances of up to 30 m between the passive sensing unit and the base station — currently limited by the length of the hallway used in the demonstration.
News Automotive
Owl AI’s 3D Thermal Sensors See Further into the Dark
The race to develop low-cost and effective sensors for automated driving requires all-day effort. Getting sensors to accurately identify the world around them is easiest on a clear, sunny day, but that solves just part of the problem.
Articles Photonics/Optics
How Laser Communications Innovation is Finally Coming of Age and Driving Innovation in Defense
Though laser technology has advantages over radio, and those advantages are growing as innovation accelerates, what is essential to realize is that they need not be in competition.
Briefs Photonics/Optics
Spatial Calibration for Accurate Long Distance Measurement Using Infrared Cameras
All commercially available camera systems have lenses (and internal geometries) that cannot perfectly refract light waves and refocus them onto a two-dimensional (2D) image sensor. This means that all digital images contain elements of distortion and thus are not a true representation of the real world.
Briefs Photonics/Optics
Towards Greater Sensitivity: A Brief FTIR and Infrared-Based Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy Comparative Study
Cavity Ring-Down spectroscopy (CRDS) is a newer IR absorption-based technique made possible by the use of tunable pulsed lasers. Rather than using a broadband (blackbody) emitter as is done with traditional IR techniques, a pulsed laser is tuned across wavelengths into an optical cavity.
Briefs Aerospace
Determining Optical Material Parameters With Motion in Structured Illumination
Ellipsometry measures the amplitude ratio and the phase difference between polarized light reflected from the surface of a film and determines the refractive index or thickness by fitting the experimental data to an optical model that represents an approximated sample structure.
Briefs RF & Microwave Electronics
Deep Image Prior Amplitude SAR Image Anonymization
Synthetic Aperture Radar images are a powerful tool for studying the Earth’s surface. They are radar signals generated by an imaging system mounted on a platform such as an aircraft or satellite. As the platform moves, the system emits sequentially high-power electromagnetic waves through its antenna.
Briefs Photonics/Optics
Free-Space Quantum Communications in Harsh Environments
The project aims to explore the possibility of all-weather secure quantum communication using macroscopic quantum states of light.
INSIDER Photonics/Optics
Filtered Rayleigh Scattering Enables Laser-Optical Measurement of Turbofan Thrust
Pratt & Whitney and Virginia Tech announced a pioneering new technology for calculating thrust using lasers to enable high-fidelity measurement of key...
News RF & Microwave Electronics
Making Sense of Next-Gen ADAS Sensing
“I don’t expect [SAE] Level 3-capable vehicles to ship in significant numbers until 2030,” asserted Rudy Burger, of Woodside Capital Partners, during May’s AutoSens 2023 conference in...
Briefs Photonics/Optics
Overcoming Performance Limitations of Distributed Brillouin Fiber Laser Sensors
Distributed fiber sensors are a powerful tool for structural health monitoring and environmental sensing due to their ability to remotely monitor the strain at 1,000s of locations using low-cost optical fiber.
Briefs Sensors/Data Acquisition
Electro-Optic Materials Research
Here, a summary of the main lines of effort for the Electro-Optics Materials Research program including its goals and major accomplishments of the past five years.
Articles Software
Lidar Vs. Everybody in the Onboard Sensor Race
Despite the industrywide realization that SAE driving automation Levels 4 and 5 are not imminent and instead long-term goals, development continues on the sensors that power current and...
Technology Report Semiconductors & ICs
Lumotive’s New LCM Underpins Next-Gen Lidar
“The future happened yesterday” is an appropriate description of the rapid pace of development in automated-driving technology. The expression may be most accurate in sensor tech where,...
INSIDER Photonics/Optics
AFTC Gains New Test Capability
As weapon system designers continue to innovate for the defense of the nation, the Air Force Test Center must advance the test capabilities available to develop and prove the superiority of those systems...
Articles Data Acquisition
Designing Multi-Channel Microwave Radio Systems Using Optical Interconnects
Imagine if it was possible to build multi-channel microwave radio systems leveraging optical rather than copper interconnects.
Articles Software
Keeping Your Silicon Cool
Onboard electronics continue to evolve rapidly. Components are smaller. Systems are more complex. The sophisticated electronics components that make up modern vehicles require precision heat dissipation for...
Briefs Photonics/Optics
Modeling Optical Time and Frequency Generation and Transfer Systems
The research was closely tied to work that was led by Nathan Newbury at NIST, and the principal goal was to support the development of advanced laser sources.
News Regulations/Standards
SAE International Extends Call for Abstracts, Seeks Submissions for AeroTech Conference
Engineering Events staff at SAE International in Warrendale, Pennsylvania, have extended the call for abstracts through September 21 for the...
Articles Aerospace
Designing A/D Converters for the James Webb Space Telescope
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has four infrared cameras to view the stars.
Articles Communications
The Next Generation of Mission-Critical Communications Infrastructure is Here
The critical role of spectrum superiority in the success of battlefield campaigns is evidenced by the enormous investments being made in electronic warfare (EW)...
Top Stories
INSIDERManned Systems
Starliner to Perform Uncrewed Return Flight From International Space Station...
Archer Delivers First Midnight eVTOL to US Air Force
INSIDERWeapons Systems
EA-37B Compass Call: The US Air Force's New Electronic Attack Aircraft
INSIDERMechanical & Fluid Systems
Is the Department of Defense Stockpiling Enough Critical Materials?
Modern Commercial Jets Create Longer Living Contrails Than Older Aircraft,...
Test & Measurement
Mitigating Risks, Ensuring Reliability: Deep Dive into Automotive Electrical...
Accelerating Time to Market: Tackling NVH Challenges in Electric...
Space Communications and Navigation Summit 2024
Electronics & Computers
Utilizing Model-Based Systems Engineering for Vehicle Development
Meeting the Challenges of Software-Defined Vehicles With...
Automotive Hardware Security Modules: Functionality, Design, and...