

Latest Stories


Is the Department of Defense Stockpiling Enough Critical Materials?

The Department of Defense (DoD) maintains the National Defense Stockpile to store materials that are strategic and critical to defense and essential civilian needs in...

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Blazer EV Is a Steel-Intensive Showcase

Chevrolet Blazer EV customers are likely to cite the Ultium battery and dual-motor driveline as their vehicle’s most advanced technologies. But in doing so, they’d miss an equally key aspect...

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Navy Scientists Discover New Class of Semiconductor Nanocrystals

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) scientists confirm the identification of a new class of semiconductor nanocrystals with bright ground-state excitons, a significant...

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Manufacturing & Prototyping

Steel Targets EV Structures, Battery Boxes

The steel and aluminum industries are waging a new materials war that could determine which of the long-time competitors dominates EV structures in the next design cycle. Feeling the heat from...

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Developing Safer Batteries with Solid-State Polymer Electrolytes

A 100 percent solid-state, high-performance polymer electrolyte addresses issues with liquid electrolytes for safer battery cell designs. Read this article to learn more.

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Physical Sciences

Enhancing the Performance of All-Solid-State Batteries

A research team from Pohang University has successfully enhanced the performance and durability of all-solid-state batteries. This breakthrough was made possible through the implementation of a novel approach known as bottom electrodeposition. Read on to learn more.

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Designing Safer, Higher-Performance Lithium Batteries

Examining lithium metal batteries using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy may help in the design of new electrolytes and anode surfaces for high-performance batteries. Read on to learn more.

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Testing Military-Grade Adhesive in Extreme Loading Conditions

Military performance requirements for adhesives have been traditionally derived to fulfill niche defense needs in harsh operational environments with little consideration for dual-use commercial potential. Read on to learn more.

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Technology Report

UX Work Underway to Make Alphabet Soup, Control Icons Easier on Drivers

At the InCabin USA interior vehicle technology expo in Detroit in May, Ford customer research lead Susan Shaw said that the sea of letters around ADAS features and...

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MEMS Drive Wants to Shake up Automotive Sensor

Advanced optical image stabilization (OIS) technology used in mobile phones should have a home in the automotive world. Specifically, using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) to move an...

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Control Valves: Essential Components for EV Battery Manufacturing and Recycling

Recovery of valuable elements within the EV battery is essential for the health and viability of the industry. In recycling used EV batteries, controls valves are required. Read on to learn more.

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Manufacturing & Prototyping

Recyclable ‘Water Batteries’ That Won’t Catch Fire

A global team of researchers and industry collaborators led by RMIT University has invented recyclable ’water batteries’ that won’t catch fire or explode. Read on to learn more.

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Cobalt-Free Electrodes Achieved with Nickel Ions

A team of researchers from Japanese and French universities has developed a practical nickel-based electrode material that opens new avenues to cobalt-free batteries for electric vehicles. Read on to learn more.

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Manufacturing & Prototyping

Aerospace Production: Overcoming Challenges in Composite Machining

Composite materials play an important role in aerospace manufacturing. The light weight, durability and ability to create complex shapes from molds make these materials ideal for frames and structural components that enable lighter, more fuel-efficient aircraft.

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Batteries & Recycling: The Next Frontier

Recycling electric vehicle batteries has been a goal of the auto industry for many years, but the infrastructure to make that a widespread reality is still in the early stages. As the amount of...

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Expanding Possibilities for Superconducting Qubits With Niobium

A group led by Stanford University’s David Schuster has demonstrated a way to create niobium-based qubits that rival their state-of-the-art counterparts.

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Manufacturing & Prototyping

Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Ultrahard Steels

Recent advances in both alloy development and additive manufacturing have enabled the production of ultrahigh-strength steels in near net shape parts.

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Boeing to Start Latest P-8A Poseidon Airframe, Avionics Increment 3 Upgrades

The U.S. Navy delivered the first P-8A Poseidon aircraft to be modified with Increment 3 Block 2 capabilities to Boeing on March 27, enabling the fleet to be...

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Packaging & Sterilization

Improving and Increasing Energy Density of Batteries

When it comes to making batteries that last longer, a team of researchers including engineers at Brown University and Idaho National Laboratory believes the key might be in how things get clean — specifically how soap works in this process.

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Cobalt-Free Batteries Could Power EVs of the Future

Many electric vehicles are powered by batteries that contain cobalt — a metal that carries high financial, environmental, and social costs. MIT researchers have now designed a battery material that could offer a more sustainable way to power electric cars. The new lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery includes a cathode based on organic materials, instead of cobalt or nickel (another metal often used in Li-ion batteries).

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New Cathode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have invented and patented a new cathode material that replaces lithium ions with sodium and would be significantly cheaper.

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Manned Systems

Air Force to Flight Test Drag-Reducing Finlets, Microvanes and Riblets on Legacy Aircraft

The Department of Defense (DoD) relies on airborne logistics to support global military operations, and airlift and air-to-air refueling are both...

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US Companies Advance DoD Investment in Rare Earth Materials Supply Chain

Since 2020, the Department of Defense (DoD) has invested $400 million into U.S.-based companies to expand the domestic supply chain for rare earth materials needed...

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A Computational Method for Creating New Ceramics with Transition Metals

Extraordinarily rugged with a melting temperature of several thousand degrees Fahrenheit. That describes the results of research into new ceramic materials sponsored...

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New Report Outlines Current Status of Directed Energy Weapons Supply Chain

Directed energy weapons (DEWs), including high energy lasers (HELs) and high-power microwaves (HPMs), have emerged as potentially transformative weapons on the...

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Preliminary Report Shows 737 Fuselage Bolts Were Missing Before Alaska Airlines Flight

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) published its preliminary report on the cause of the in-flight structural failure that occurred during...

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NVH-Fighting Plastic EV Motor Mount Wins Lightweighting Award

Most motor mounts, even for EV applications, are made of metal alloys. It makes intuitive sense: It’s a vibration-intensive mounting application that demands durability...

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Manufacturing & Prototyping

Army Launches $50 Million Advanced Manufacturing Initiative for Aviation and Weapon Systems

The U.S. Army has awarded a $50 million three-year research project to Auburn University to understand how new manufacturing materials and...

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Manufacturing & Prototyping

How the US Navy Uses Organic Manufacturing to Combat Supply Chain Constraints

When supply chain constraints make it challenging to source parts for aircraft maintained at Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE), the depot’s organic...

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