
Icing and ice detection

Latest Stories


Assessment of Noncommercial Icing Prediction Capabilities for Army Applications

Historically, smaller Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), such as Class 2 RQ-1B Raven and Class 3 RQ-7Bv2 Shadow, have been restricted to not be approved to fly in icing conditions under the assumption that any ice accretion would cause an unacceptable risk of loss of the aircraft.

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Ensuring Aircraft Safety by Optimizing Ice Protection Systems

By Boris Marovic and Thierry Olbrechts, Siemens Digital Industries Software

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Technology Report

Continental Tire Rolls Towards a Smart and Connected Future

It is difficult to become emotional about tires except when they – literally – let us down. But tires are set to get smarter, communicate more effectively and react to...

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Preventing Ice Buildup on Electric Aircraft

Afaq Ahmed Abbasi of Northwestern Polytechnical University explains his innovative approach.

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Rotorcraft Anti-Icing Systems

Flying anytime, anywhere, in all-weather conditions is one of the most challenging technology and capability goals across the rotorcraft industry to meet a growing demand for reliability, safety and the ability to...

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Optical Ice Sensors for UAVs

The perverse thing about ice on the tailplane of a general aviation aircraft is that the pilot sits and looks forward, but the tailplane is aft. You can’t see it from the cockpit.

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Rotorcraft Icing Computational Tool Development

The formation of ice over lifting surfaces can affect aerodynamic performance. In the case of helicopters, this loss in lift and the increase in sectional drag forces will have a dramatic effect...

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Technology Update

F-35 Gets Cold Treatment in Step Toward IOC Remedy

Since it first became an active cold-weather testing facility in 1947, the 96th Test Wing's McKinley Climatic Laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base, FL, there have been a wide variety of aircraft...

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Application Briefs
RF & Microwave Electronics

Microwave Radiometers Help Keep Aircraft Safe From Icing

One of the greatest dangers to aircraft — playing a role in numerous destructive and fatal accidents around the world — comes in the form of droplets of water. In clean air, cloud...

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