Rad-Hard Synchronous Buck Regulators

Modular Devices, Inc. (Shirley, NY) has announced the availability of compact Proton Rad Hard 100K+™ high efficiency synchronous buck regulators. The Model 5080 delivers reliable onboard low voltage DC power to critical loads precisely where needed. Developing up to ten watts in a range of low voltage outputs from an intermediate 12 VDC input, the 5080 POLs achieve operating efficiencies of over 90 percent. A full range of features is standard, including inhibit for logic level on-off control, frequency synchronization, built-in-test, current telemetry and interconnects for easy, reliable paralleling for higher current output and N+1 redundancy. The flight heritage design is SEU resistant (LET>82MeV*cm2/mg) and radiation hard (TID>100kRadSi). No optical isolators are used for increased proton resistance. Both through-hole PCB and chassis mount packages are available.

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