Frequency/Phase Converters

The ED-FPC Series frequency and phase converters from Falcon Electric (Irwindale, CA) provide computer-grade power for sensitive equipment in military and aerospace applications. The rack-mount units range from 3 to 5kVA and weigh less than 80 pounds in a 4U form factor. They are used to deliver power for use in aircraft, groundbased, and mobile systems from generator sources typically incorporated into singleand dual-pallet shelters, as well as tactical, hospital, or lab shelters. The units meet shock and vibration requirements of RTCA/DO160, Zone A, and the Munson Road Test.

The converters have a three-phase input that accepts a 45 to 450 Hz input frequency range. With a single-phase 120Vac, 50, 60, or 400 Hz output, the units eliminate phase imbalance associated with powering large, single-phase equipment from a three-phase generator source. They provide a low-distortion sine wave output with ±3% voltage reduction.

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