Hybrid and Electric Powertrain Microcontroller

Silicon Mobility’s (Sophia-Antipolis, France) OLEA T222 automotive microcontroller is a dedicated solution for hybrid and electric powertrain control. According to company claims, it is the first-ever automotive microcontroller with embedded, robust and secured programmable logic. Based on a standard ARM Cortex-R5F CPU running at 200 Mhz, OLEA T222’s flexibility, hard real-time parallel processing and safe architecture makes it a suited fit to control all types of hybridization—micro, mild or full, including integrated belt starter-generator, crankshaft motor-driven generator, gearbox motor-driven generator, in-wheel motor or in-axle motor, dc/dc converter, and full electric powertrains. OLEA T222's technologies and feature set address other applications and make it a suitable controller for a battery-management system, exhaust or selective catalytic reduction systems or even a conventional internal-combustion engine. OLEA T222 directly contributes to a vehicle’s CO2 emissions reductions by enabling the democratization of cars electrification, says Silicon Mobility. For more information, visit http://www.silicon-mobility.com/  .