In-Flight Ice Sensor

New Avionics Corp (Ft Lauderdale, FL) has introduced its next- generation new Ice*Meister™ Model 9732-PLASTIC ice detecting sensor for aircraft. Consisting of a probe, housing, circuit board, and lightweight blue cable, the unit has been tested at NASA Glenn, the world’s largest icing wind tunnel, and complies with defacto in-flight ice-detection standard SAE AS 5498.

The probe is entirely optical and senses ICE when molecules of H2O freeze and accumulate on its optical surfaces. Made of non-conductive delrin and acrylic plastics, the probe is electro-magnetically compatible with aircraft radio antennas, and can be installed in close proximity to them. 9732 installs easily from inside the wing with a 5/16”-24 thread and stainless steel nut, and accepts any clean DC voltage from 8 volts to 32 volts, consumes less than 5W, and outputs 3.3 volt logic data that describe the relative rate of ice accumulation on the aircraft.

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